Major update. Bucky Studios' Facebook Group will be deleted in the next few days. Now's the time to leave before it takes you down too. Instead, I'll be focusing all of my Facebook attention to Bucky Studios' new Facebook Fan Page! I'm hoping this will help expose Bucky Studios to a greater audience. The group was failing, so I thought I'd explore the groovy fan pages. Epic win? We will see.
You can watch kewl vidz not shown anywhere else, chat with other fanz, discuss cool topics with Chris, get updated on neat info and you can even submit your very own fan video!!1 w00t w00t!!1
On another note, I'll be posting a small vlog explaining why my videos are being posted on Machinima.com. It should be on the webz tomorrow. It would've been on yesterday if I hadn't lost my firewire... so I'm off to being down with the townz tomorrow to find myself firin mah whyArrr! Be prepared!
O! Almost forgot to tell you guyz! i haz job now! xD