Sorry for the lack of videos recently. ): The last week has been pretty crazy. I've been looking for a part-time job, handing out resumes everyday for the past week (minus 1 or 2 days)... but I still haven't gotten any calls. If I don't find a job really soon, I won't have enough money to pay rent and I'll most likely be kicked out. *another sad face* So there you have it, Chris = poor kid w/ no moneyz.
If you feel terrible about all of this, you can still help me out. I get paid a certain amount depending on how many views my videos have, so all you have to do is help spread my videos around the netz and get me more views... but that doesn't really help me in the short run. I need a steady flow of cash asap and the only way that's going to happen is if I get a part-time job. So if you live in Lethbridge, Alberta and you're looking to hire a young, motivated, reliable and very handsome ;) d00d, send me teh e-mailz.
On another note, Machinima uploaded my HALOween contest entry to their YouTube page. I wasn't expecting it to be on YouTube (It's not really YouTube quality imo), but it was posted nonetheless. You can check it out here, if you haven't already seen it below.
Anyways, I should get going. *prints off some resumes* Once I land a job, I should be making more videos. It'll just take a few days to get in the groove. I'll keep you guys posted with all the details.
kthxbai o.O