Looks like you want to get a hold of me. Totally osm! Here's my e-mail.
I never get teh fan mailz, but it's k. If you have any questions, suggestions or you want just share some love, send me some mailz... cuz I love you too.
If you don't know anything about me, here's a quick recap...
Names Chris.
I film. I edit. Sometimes act. Starting to make songs. Animate once in a blue moon. Machinima ftw. And I'm the designer / moderator of this website. So be prepared to have my babies, cuz you'll forever love me.
Add me on Xbox Live: Crimson Binome
If you're also wanting to get a hold of anyone else from Bucky Studios, drop me an e-mail and I'll forward you there's. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you too. <3