Hey d00dz,
Guess what?! I haz a new video for you! It’s a short vlog explaining why my videos have been uploaded to machinima’s youtube page rather than my own. So check it out!!11 You’ll prolly like the ending. Home videos ftw!
I guess I should be apologizing. I haven’t uploaded any new projects recently… well other than this video. Nothing for machinima. I’m sorz. I’ve been caught up with my new job… working everyday for the past week, but it’s k now. I’m all trained, so hopefully I’ll have more time to work on my vidz.
I’m planning a new series and I need your help. I’m looking for some talented voice actors / Halo 3 body actors / musicians. For all the details, check out my post at machinima.com.
Hope you guyz enjoyed the vid. (: kthxbai!