My vidz just got posted on YouTube and from the comments, a lot of you lub the music I composed for 'Best Zombie Spree - A Zombie Ensemble.' Well, I decided it's prolly best if I put it up somewhere online. (I'll try and get Flip Your Banshee and Robo Recon's mp3z up as sometime soon too.) Click the link below to DL the song.
Oh, and I'm thinking of a doing a new series. Now I know my gameplay isn't the greatest from the vid, but I love taking footage from a game and creating the most epically dramatic video I could possibly do. So, if any of you have some crazy osm Halo 3 gameplay footage out there, that lasts around 2 - 3 minutes long, I'd love to use it for my new series. Not only will you get the chance to have your name plastered on a M.com video, you'll also be able to show the world your rad skillz.