So... I resurrected 510 Reality Street from the grave. Now you guyz can watch the comedic duo battle it out in the middle of a park. Logan Lizzi and Nick Vedres deliver a stunning performance. Fun Fact: 99% of their dialogue was improvised. All we really had was a basic outline of how the story goes... mad propz to them. I lub you guyz. :)
Watch 510 Reality Street
Be sure to join our Facebook Group for extra footage from 510 Reality Street. Invite your friends too! More people cheering us on = more videos! :D

Listen to Dream of Scipio
I'm not sure when the next vid will be coming out... we haven't really done anything for a very long time. Perhaps that will change in the future, who knows. I want to do a halo 3 machinima, but it all depends. I'll keep you guyz in touch. I'm trying to get everyone else to post random stuff... since they have teh power to do so. This site's getting pretty boring if we keep blogging at this rate.
Lub j00 all,
Chris Schultz