June 14, 2008

Lost! Lost! My Precious is LOST!

Check out that CD cover. Brilliant. It was made for all the data disks we sold to our classmates way back in grade 9. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was the movie that set fire to our video making obsession. Ever since, every one of our high school projects turned out to be a movie. Coincidence, I think not. After 5 years of being hidden from the general public, I thought it’d be alright to finally release it. It’s pretty hilarious, being that we were so young and our filmmaking skills were completely awful. Here’s what the back of the CD had to say about the movie…

“An ancient ring thought lost for centuries has been found and through a strange twist in fate, it has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo (Darcy Best). When Gandalf (Mac Putici) discovers the ring is in fact the one ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the cracks of Mount Doom in order to destroy it! However, he does not go alone. He Is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the Elf (Derek Stevenson), Gimli the Dwarf (Darcy Best), Aragorn (Tanner Yantz), Boromir (Dan Hoot) and his two hobbit friends, Pippin (Derek Stevenson) and Samwise (Dan Hoot). Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, riversand plains, facing evil and danger at every corner, the Fellowship of the Ringn must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign!”

This 24 minute epic is a must watch. If you haven't seen it, you'd better stop whatever you're doing and watch the movie that started it all. Not only will you find it to be a thrilling, action filled adventure, but you'll also have the option to commit suicide after it's over.

If your life remains intact, you can watch the bloopers and receive some more laughs!

If you want to give your friends a taste of the movie, let them watch the breathtaking trailer!