Wow. What a crazy week it’s been. Flip Your Banshee is spreading across the interwebz so fast, I’ve never seen anything like it. Well, not with any of my vidz. Evil users have tried taking credit for my vid by uploading FYB to websites like YouTube / GameTrailers. I’ve counted over 10 versions of FYB on YouTube alone. However, some of them do give credit to Bucky Studios… but still, what’s the point of uploading it again when you have virtually zero subscribers. XP
Anoj108, creator of the Halo 3 “Top 10 Series” uploaded FYB to his YouTube account the other day and it’s done quite well. #4 Top Favourited and #8 Top Rated gaming video for today. (:
I want to give a shout out to Hersheycp for using my song in his Halo 3 Montage. Keep on trying baybay. I’m sure your future montages will not only have improved editing, but improved game footage as well. lulz.
Machinima.com should be uploading FYB on their YouTube account pretty soon. We’re just figuring things out right now. Be sure to check it out once it up.
I’m almost done writing the lyrics for my second song. It’s sounding great and I’m sure you guys will love it. I’ll post more details about it in the near future.
Time for a new segment! Q & A with Chris!
c0d3w0rd asks:
“I want this on my Ipod, think you could help me out with a link to MP3?”
I’m hoping I’ll have it online in the next few days. To be honest, I’m not sure if I can do that yet. I’ll blog about it once I have it online, kay bb.
Misha070 asks:
Misha, you loose 9000 human points. It’s spelt, “ZO MAI GAR.” Epic fail. I’m going to explain it as professionally as I can. Here goes.
Zo Mai Gar [zoe-my-gar]
The World of Warcraft version of the saying Oh my God. Sounds like the Horde capital city, Orgrimmar. Z at the beginning represents awesome. It is the coolest saying in all of Azeroth. Founded by Chris Schultz when he accidently pronounced Orgimmar wrong.
Anyways, that’s all the time I have for today. Be sure to check back daily for your dose of Bucky Studios.
kthxbai o.O